Penn State Extension – Septic System Owner Survey

The Pennsylvania State University Extension is conducting a statewide survey of septic system owners (see below). Your help in completing and/or distributing this survey to community residents/customers would be a help in obtaining a representative sample size for the Extension’s study.

On-lot septic systems treat and dispose of wastewater from homes or buildings in most of rural Pennsylvania. They include typical septic tanks and drain fields, advanced treatment systems, holding tanks, cesspools, or any other on-lot system. Septic system owners or users are typically responsible for system care and maintenance.

This brief survey aims to understand owner/user practices related to septic system operation and maintenance across Pennsylvania. Ultimately, findings will be used to identify existing needs for septic system maintenance in Pennsylvania and to design future Extension programs on septic system and private water system care and maintenance.

Survey link:

Paper survey options are available by calling 814-863-4622

Guidance for Addressing Bird Flu

Birds can carry diseases such as Avian Influenza, aka Bird Flu, which are transmissible to other birds, wildlife and people. Appropriate care should be taken when handling dead/live birds or wildlife and cleaning bird feeders. We recommend using the appropriate precautions recommended by Cornell Lab of Ornithology, as outlined below and also from the PA Game Commission.

Report sick or dead wild birds to the PA Game Commission by calling 1-833-PGC-WILD (742-9453)

Recommendations for key safety tips for addressing Bird Flu:

  1. Avoid Close Contact with Birds. While it’s tempting to get up close for better viewing or photography, try to keep a safe distance from wild birds, particularly waterfowl, shorebirds, and poultry. Avoid touching birds, their droppings, or nests.
  2. Wear Protective Gear. If you’re handling birds in a rehabilitation setting or are exposed to bird droppings, wear protective gloves, masks, and clothing to help minimize risk. After handling birds or cleaning bird feeders, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and hot water.
  3. Keep Bird Feeders Clean and Sanitized. Bird flu can be spread through contaminated bird feeders. Make sure to clean your bird feeders regularly by scrubbing off debris and then soaking them for 10 minutes in a diluted bath using a solution of 10% bleach to water to kill any viruses. Rinse the feeder thoroughly with hot water and allow to dry before refilling.
  4. Stay Informed. Check with local health authorities for updates on bird flu outbreaks in your area. If you live in a region where an outbreak has been reported, consider temporarily suspending birdwatching activities, especially in areas where infected birds are known to reside.
  5. Avoid Sick Birds. If you notice a sick or dead bird, it’s important not to touch it. In the event you encounter a dead bird, report it to local wildlife authorities. They can assess whether it may have been infected with bird flu.
  6. It’s Worth Repeating: Practice Good Hygiene. If you’ve been in contact with areas where birds and wildlife are present, always wash your hands with hot, soapy water and disinfect any gear or equipment you’ve used. 

Reference for the information above:

The status of Bird Flu can change quickly so for more information please visit the PA Game Commission website:

Mailbox Replacement Policy

Message to Salisbury Township Residents Regarding Mailbox Replacement Policy

Dear Residents:

We would like to inform you about the recently adopted Mailbox Replacement Policy and remind you of the proper placement and installation of mailboxes in compliance with United States Postal Service (USPS) guidelines.

Key Policy Highlights:

  1. Damage During Snow Removal:
    • The Township will repair or replace mailboxes only if damaged by a direct strike from Township snowplowing equipment. Unfortunately, we cannot address damage caused by the weight or force of thrown snow.
    • Decorative or non-standard mailboxes or any mailbox not installed per USPS guidelines are not eligible for replacement.
  2. Claims Process:
    • If you believe your mailbox was directly struck, please report the damage within 48 hours by calling 610-797-4000 or emailing
    • A Township representative will inspect the damage to verify the claim.
  3. Replacement Options:
    • Eligible claims may receive a standard mailbox and post up to $75 in value or reimbursement for a replacement of equal value.

 USPS Installation Guidelines:

To ensure proper delivery and protect your mailbox during snow removal, please follow these USPS guidelines:

  • Height: Mount your mailbox such that the bottom is 41″ to 45″ from the road surface.
  • Distance from Curb: Position the mailbox 6″ to 8″ from the curb. For roads without a raised curb, consult your local postmaster for placement guidance.
  • Post Requirements: Use a 4″x4″ wooden post or a 2″-diameter standard steel/aluminum pipe buried no deeper than 24″. Avoid heavy or rigid materials like concrete posts.

 Maintenance Tips:

  • Regularly inspect your mailbox for damage or wear.
  • Ensure it is firmly attached, with clear and legible address numbers.

For more information about this policy or mailbox installation, please contact the Township office at 610-797-4000 or visit the USPS website at

Thank you for your cooperation.

Salisbury Township Public Works Department

Trash & Recycling Delay – week of January 20, 2025


Please be advised that due to the winter storm, Whitetail Disposal will be operating on a one-day delay for the week of January 20th.  Monday’s service will be completed on Tuesday; Tuesday’s service will be completed on Wednesday.  Please place your equipment curbside the night before your scheduled service day.

January 2025 Utility Bills

Please be advised that the January utility bills were printed mailed out last week. The net amount is due by January 25th. If you are set up with Xpress Bill Pay, please be sure to check your email. You should be receiving your utility bill this upcoming week. If you don’t receive your bill, please give a call to 484-661-5805.