Salisbury Township has recently completed the first phase of a multi-phase improvements project at Lindberg Park which included the construction of a perimeter walking trail. Current park rules prohibit wheeled vehicles or dogs at the park at this time including the perimeter trail. The next phase of the project, to be completed in spring/summer 2016, will include the installation of fencing on the interior of the perimeter trail which will then open the use of the trail to include wheeled vehicles and dog-walking. However, until the fencing installation is completed, current park rules and regulations remain in place. While we do not want to discourage anyone from using the facilities at Lindberg Park during the period of construction, it is important that the integrity of the work is protected and the landscape has time to establish itself. Please be considerate and help us to protect our community’s investment in making the park a more beautiful place for all of us and future of generations to enjoy!