Departments » Tax Office

Tax Collector office hours are normally Tuesdays from 9AM – 2PM or call 610-871-0252 for additional times and changes to any hours.

2025 Availability

Please be advised that the Salisbury Township Tax Collector, Ms. Tamara Kulik Smarch, currently has sitting hours normally on Tuesdays from 9AM-2PM from April through October, unless there is an emergency or unavoidable conflict.  Please call for additional hours or any changes to these hours.  These are the advertised in office hours; however, she is often available other times and may be reached directly by calling 610-871-0252 or via email at

Should you need a receipt of payment, your options are to include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your payment, or come in-person during the Tuesday hours. Otherwise, you may mail the payments or use one of the drop-off boxes, located both inside and outside the Municipal Building. Ms. Kulik Smarch is only responsible for Salisbury Township and Salisbury Township School District Real Estate tax payments. If you need assistance with Lehigh County taxes, assessments, name changes and/or address changes, you must contact Lehigh County directly at 610-782-3000.

No other Township staff member is permitted to take tax payments. Please keep in mind that the easiest method to pay is by check/money order/cashier’s check via mail or one of the drop-boxes located both outside and inside the Municipal Building.

* After December 15, only certified funds such as a certified bank check or money order are accepted . If you are paying by cash, please have exact change.  Payments will be returned if instructions are not followed.

Tax payments are made payable to: Salisbury Township or Salisbury Township School District. Individual checks are required per each parcel.

Duplicate bill fees are $10 each and tax certifications are $30 per a year requested with checks made payable to Tamara Kulik Smarch. Requests are required in writing with a check enclosed. Please mail to Tamara Kulik Smarch at 2900 S Pike Ave, Allentown, PA 18103

Any checks returned due to non-sufficient funds will be subject to a fee of $25 per a check.

On January 1st, unpaid taxes are turned over to Portnoff Law Associates for both township and school real estate taxes. 


*Although this email address is provided for contacting the Tax Office, any pressing or urgent items should be conveyed by phone. The Township cannot guarantee a time frame for response to email messages.


Tax Office Members

Real Estate Tax Collector / Treasurer
Ms. Tamara Kulik Smarch
2900 S. Pike Avenue
Allentown, PA 18103
Phone: 610-871-0252
Term Expires: 1/1/2026

Per Capita, Earned Income, Local Services, and Mercantile Tax Collector:

Berkheimer Tax Innovations
Berkheimer Tax Innovations
50 North 7th St.
Bangor, PA 18013-1798
Phone: (610) 588-0965
Fax: (610) 588-5765
Office Hours: M-F 8AM-4:30PM
Toll free number: 1-800-360-8989

Contact Information

Department Description Phone Number
Earned Income

Current Only

Delinquent or Discrepancy

(866) 701-7206

(610) 599-3136


Delinquent Per Capita Tax

All Others

(610) 599-3134

(610) 599-3135

Business Privilege/Mercantile   (610) 599-3140
Local Services   (610) 599-3142
Occupation Assessment Per Capita Current Only (610) 599-3141

For additional contact info, visit: